三苫 民雄(愛知産業大学短期大学)
The persuasiveness of modern Western philosophy
and its Christian background
Tamio MITOMA(Aichi Sangyo University College)
Modern rationalist philosophy was established by Descartes (1596–1650) and completed by Hegel (1770–1831). Although the rationalist philosophy eliminates God from itself and makes it possible to do without God in principle, modern philosophers including Kant (1724–1804) were devout Christians in their daily lives. They all had acquired their philosophical ideas and theoretical basis from their belief in God. However, this is ironic: the more systematically completed rationalistic philosophy, the less persuasive its Christian features become. Instead of Christian belief, the philosophy of Kant was supported by the physics of Newton, and Hegel’s philosophy was supported by the French Revolution. While modern rationalist philosophy made human reason transcendent, the human being as subject encountered the problem of modern anxiety described by Kierkegaard (1813–1855) and Nietzsche (1844–1900).
キーワード: 近代理性主義哲学、説得力、キリスト教、デカルト、カント、ヘーゲル
Key words : modern rationalist philosophy, persuasiveness, the Christianity, Descartes, Kant, Hegel
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